Thursday 13 January 2022

"lean" debian? ... try NakeDeb

nakeDeb is a french* Debian based derivative distribution intended to deliver an ultra-minimal debian installation allowing you to quickly install a working system or use it as a lightweight live backup.

*fear not, the distro is way useful for non-French speakers , like me. It is in fact my main OS on the PC , at least not the crap-o-bloat of Gnome/KDE , Fluxbox is bit ancient here - 1.3.5 from... 2011 ! the "latest"  one is 1.3.7 (2015? IIRC)  not that much of difference as no super-duper new features are there.

Feel free to install - play and customise this gem!

for more info:

cheers to Arnault !!

Friday 7 January 2022

Easy templates in Org >= 9.2 (emacs) are not working?

Easy templates on org-mode allowed you to type quick the block codes eg 

<s [tab] would produce



Things were changed after org-mode v9.2, so now you have to type C-c C-,


add  (require 'org-tempo) to your init file