Friday, 31 July 2015

windows 10 store not a really good start...

WTF now, the win10 are a kind of beta test software, first the activation nightmare now I noticed that 20+ windows apps were stuck on an endless queue at the windows store. bit crappy I have to say, its a whole day that they were stuck trying again and again to be downloaded. What I realised later is that the software distribution database could be corrupted, there is some commands that fix the issue, at least in my case:

winkey + x --> command prompt as admin

  • net stop wuauserv  (wait a bit there...)
  • cd %systemroot%
  • ren SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistributionBad
  • net start wuauserv
  • wsreset
The SoftwareDistributionBad can be deleted later, in the case is locked/corrupted etc , there is FilExile  that deletes the most of corrupted/bad files.

update (1/8/15) : deleting the SoftwareDistribution folder did not really solved the issue, what I did not and -so far so good- works :

a manual-reinstall of the  default windoze apps solved the things!

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Windoze 10 activation NIGHTMARE

Upgraded to the f* windows 10 from 8.1 so far so good, but my system started to freeze (just on the right f* time...) event log revealed that the main HDD was ready to kick the bucket,,, it seems that was some bad sector (5yo device anyway) and that happened because the new installation started to fill up on the remaining space.

So, I thought, as my system is M$ activated I could just do a clean install on the new HDD, right ? ... WRONG !!!  I lost TWO f* days as the darn thing COULD NOT BE ACTIVATED!!  I know that the f* M$ is keeping info of the installed h/ware (mainly the m/board) so its possible to replace RAM/CPU/HDD without the need to re-activate the windows10, at least that is what I read and the idiot from the M$ chat wrote me... 

Well, it seems that THERE IS NO F* WAY to make a clean install of  UPGRADED windows 10 and then to activate them!! What I only managed to do is to create a recovery USB (took a LONG time!!) via the 'create recovery disk' from the ACTIVATED windows10 then remove ALL the HDDs, install the NEW HDD and perform the installation from that specific USB. 

Quite RIDICULOUS and crappy way from the F* M$.