Friday, 24 April 2015

WIndows 8 , and SDL bug (US keyboard self-added)

I though that my "solution" to change the registry on the US keyboard to UK , was fine, but recently I found that still some SDL based programs add the US keyboard ...
setting* the environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER=DIRECTX seems to work now!

winKEY-X >> System >> Advanced System Settings >> Environment Variables

Update (4th of May 2015)... guess that!

my idea did NOT work! why? because the FUCKING SDL sucks!

What I found is that some programs that use the SDL lib, have a bug when the SDL_VIDEODRIVER is set to DIRECTX instead of DDRAW or WINDIB and the mouse cursor can't register the correct co-ords, so clicking on buttons (while on fullscreen or maximized window) is a mess....

What I managed to do now, and so far works. is to run the registry editor (as admin) and mod the
HLM --> SYSTEM --> ControlSet001 --> Control --> Keyboard Layouts
and on the 00000409 (the US keyboard) set the Layout File from KBDUS.DLL
to whatever want to be eg. in my case I set it as KBDUK.DLL and removed the UK keyboard from the keyboard list. Now I have one that is registered like US but in fact is a UK layout.  darm.. all of this mess because of the abomination library of SDL